Cognatus Innovations, LLC Apps

PT and OT Helper: Knee 1.4.3
“Write injuries in dust, benefits inmarble”Benjamin FranklinOur biggest undertaking yet. We are proud to add the KNEEversion to our already series of successful PT and OT apps. Thisinnovative app, focusing on the knee, includes 39 exercises (listedbelow) designed by therapists that enhances and simplifies therehabilitation experience for both the patient and therapist. Thisapp is also appropriate to be used by anybody wishing to improvetargeted muscle development.The app eliminates patient confusion about any aspect of theexercise routine created specifically for their injury by theirhealth professional. For the therapist it simplifies the creationof the exercise routine and provides the opportunity to confirmthat the patient is performing their rehabilitation as prescribed.Never before has this level of exercise coordination been achievedthat provides a better understanding and communication between thetherapist and the patient. No longer is there any reason for thepatient to leave the therapist’s office with just a piece of paperto describe the exercises to perform. This app will hasten theindividuals return to activities of daily living, their job or tothe sport they love.Knee problems are very common. They occur in people of all agesand can have a big impact on your life. With over 10 millionpatient visits each year, knee injury is one of the most commonreasons people see their doctors. Injury can affect any of theligaments, bursae, or tendons surrounding the knee joint. Injurycan also affect the ligaments, cartilage, menisci, and bonesforming the joint. The complexity of the design of the knee jointand the fact that it is an active weight-bearing joint are factorsin making the knee one of the most commonly injured joints. Theexercises in this app were created under expert supervision ofprofessionals in the field. To avoid injury you should always workwith a therapist before performing these exercises.FEATURES:* Create a Custom exercise plan for unlimited users* Purchase once and allow many users for each device. No MonthlyFee!* The Therapist can create a Template of exercises for commoninjuries* Custom exercise routines can be easily emailed to the patientto be used on their mobile device* Precise animated graphics showing how to perform each exercisecorrectly* Compete control for each exercise:....................Number of Sets....................Difficulty Level....................Number of Reps....................Speed* Patent Pending speed adjustments allows patient to work at acomfortable speed* Left and Right exercise distinction* Audio and written instructions* Graphically track performance and improvements* Email graphs to therapist to show exercise progress* Help screens and easy to follow video tutorialEXERCISES INCLUDED:1) Stretch – Hamstring2) Stretch – Quadricep3) Stretch – Calf4) Step Ups5) Heel Raise6) Standing Hamstring Curl7) Seated Hamstring Curl with Machine (2 Legs)8) Seated Hamstring Curl with Machine (1 Leg)9) Bridge (1 Leg)10) Bridge (2 Legs)11) Knee Squat12) Knee Squat with Ball13) Chair Squat14) Leg Press with Machine (1 Leg)15) Leg Press with Machine (2 Legs)16) Knee Slide17) Straight Leg Raise18) Leg Lift (Sideways)19) Clamshell20) Knee Flex21) Knee Extension with Weights22) Knee Extension with Machine (1 Leg)23) Knee Extension with Machine (2 Legs)24) Quadruped Hip Extension (Bent Leg)25) Quadruped Hip Extension (Straight Leg)26) Forearm Plank27) Seated Hip Flexion28) Short Arc Quads29) Lunges30) Balance on Pad31) Monster Walk32) Chair Touch33) Foam Roller – ITB34) Foam Roller – 2 Legs35) Foam Roller – Quads36) Foam Roller – Shins37) Foam Roller – Hamstring38) Foam Roller – Calf39) Foam Roller – Inner Thigh
PT and OT Helper: Golf Elbow 1.4.3
“Golf is played with the arms”.................Sam Snead, Professional GolferThis innovative app includes 17 exercises (listed below)designed by therapists that enhances and simplifies therehabilitation experience for both the patient and therapist. Thisapp is also appropriate to be used by anybody wishing to improvetargeted muscle development.The app eliminates patient confusion about any aspect of theexercise routine created specifically for their injury by theirhealth professional. For the therapist it simplifies the creationof the exercise routine and provides the opportunity to confirmthat the patient is performing their rehabilitation as prescribed.Never before has this level of exercise coordination been achievedthat provides a better understanding and communication between thetherapist and the patient. No longer is there any reason for thepatient to leave the therapist’s office with just a piece of paperto describe the exercises to perform. This app will hasten theindividuals return to activities of daily living, their job or tothe sport they love.Golfer’s Elbow is a painful condition that causes discomfort dueto the inflammation on the inner side of your elbow (medialepicondyle). You don’t have to play golf to get Golfer’s Elbow. Itcan occur in any sport where the finger and hand grip is intensive.Overuse in the muscles and tendons of the forearm and elbow are themost common reason people develop Golfer’s Elbow. Repeating sometypes of exercises over and over again can put too much strain onthe elbow tendons. The exercises in this app were created underexpert supervision of professionals in the field. To avoid injuryyou should always work with a therapist before performing theseexercises.FEATURES:* Create a Custom exercise plan for unlimited users* Purchase once and allow many users for each device. No MonthlyFee!* The Therapist can create a Template of exercises for commoninjuries* Custom exercise routines can be easily emailed to the patientto be used on their mobile device* Precise animated graphics showing how to perform each exercisecorrectly* Compete control for each exercise:....................Number of Sets....................Difficulty Level....................Number of Reps....................Speed* Patent Pending speed adjustments allows patient to work at acomfortable speed* Left and Right exercise distinction* Audio and written instructions* Graphically track performance and improvements* Email graphs to therapist to show exercise progress* Help screens and easy to follow video tutorialEXERCISES INCLUDED:Gross Grasp with Finger Exerciser (UltiGrip Finger Exerciserrecommended)Two Hand Web Opposition with Power WebAll Finger Extension (with Digi-Extend recommended)Ball Squeeze (with Digi-Squeeze recommended)FlexbarWrist ExtensionWrist FlexionIsometric Wrist ExtensionIsometric Wrist FlexionForearm Pronation SupinationDeviatorT’sY’sI'sFlexor StretchRoller Extension (Palm Up)Gross Grasp with Hand Exerciser (UltiGrip Hand Exerciserrecommended)
PT and OT Helper: Tennis Elbow 1.4.3
“All my time in rehab has made me appreciatetennis more than ever.”.....................Kim Clijsters, Professional Tennis playerThis innovative app includes 16 exercises (listed below) designedby therapists that enhances and simplifies the rehabilitationexperience for both the patient and therapist. This app is alsoappropriate to be used by anybody wishing to improve targetedmuscle development.The app eliminates patient confusion about any aspect of theexercise routine created specifically for their injury by theirhealth professional. For the therapist it simplifies the creationof the exercise routine and provides the opportunity to confirmthat the patient is performing their rehabilitation as prescribed.Never before has this level of exercise coordination been achievedthat provides a better understanding and communication between thetherapist and the patient. No longer is there any reason for thepatient to leave the therapist’s office with just a piece of paperto describe the exercises to perform. This app will hasten theindividuals return to activities of daily living, their job or tothe sport they love.Tennis Elbow is a painful condition that causes discomfort due tothe inflammation on the outer side of your elbow (lateralepicondyle). This condition can be caused by many different eventsthat occur in Tennis such as overexertion, trauma of direct blowsto the outside of the elbow from ball impact, a sudden forcefulpull or extension and the repetitive nature of hitting thousands ofballs in training and during a grueling match. Tennis Elbow affectsan estimated 1% to 3% of the population. It may affect as many as50% of tennis players during their careers. But, less than 5% ofall Tennis Elbow diagnoses are related to actually playing tennis.The exercises in this app were created under expert supervision ofprofessionals in the field. To avoid injury you should always workwith a therapist before performing these exercises.FEATURES:* Create a Custom exercise plan for unlimited users* Purchase once and allow many users for each device. No MonthlyFee!* The Therapist can create a Template of exercises for commoninjuries* Custom exercise routines can be easily emailed to the patientto be used on their mobile device* Precise animated graphics showing how to perform each exercisecorrectly* Compete control for each exercise:........................Number of Sets........................Difficulty Level........................Number of Reps........................Speed* Patent Pending speed adjustments allows patient to work at acomfortable speed* Left and Right exercise distinction* Audio and written instructions* Graphically track performance and improvements* Email graphs to therapist to show exercise progress* Help screens and easy to follow video tutorialEXERCISES INCLUDED:1) Gross Grasp with Finger Exerciser (UltiGrip Finger Exerciserrecommended)2) Two Hand Web Opposition with Power Web3) All Finger Extension (with Digi-Extend recommended)4) Ball Squeeze (with Digi-Squeeze recommended)5) Flexbar6) Wrist Extension7) Isometric Wrist Extension8) Isometric Wrist Flexion9) Forearm Pronation Supination10) Deviator11) T’s12) Y’s13) I's14) Extensor Stretch15) Roller Extension (Palm Down)16) Gross Grasp with Hand Exerciser (UltiGrip Hand Exerciserrecommended)
Jamar Smart Lite 1.1
The first Dynamometer was invented by Edme Régnier in the 1790’s.After over 200 years, the future of Hand Diagnostics is now here.Patterson Medical is proud to introduce the first mobile appdesigned to work seamlessly and wirelessly with the new Jamar®Smart Hand Dynamometer. The user will find a new level in ease ofuse and performance. An intuitive, yet powerful interface, willexpedite and enhance patient evaluations. Results can quickly berepeated, edited, and saved. But, this is just the beginning… JAMARSMART LITE APP (FREE): PATIENT: Show Name or ID, Gender, and AgeSTANDARD TEST - Patient squeezes the Jamar® Smart Hand Dynamometerwith each or both hands sequentially. • Set number of reps from 1to 5 • Set hand(s) to test and which hand to start with • Set andrecord Grip Position • Show statistics for test compared to Normfor that Gender and Age • Easily accept or redo any trial JAMARSMART APP (PAID): PATIENT: • Store name and ID, Gender, and Age •Search on name or ID • Store test history and quickly create a newtest with the same parameters MORE TESTS – Rapid Exchange, 5Position Grip, Sustained Grip RAPID EXCHANGE TEST – Patient quicklysqueezes the Jamar® Smart Hand Dynamometer and exchanges handswhile each trial’s readings are automatically recorded • Set Testinterval: 1.0s, 1.5s, or 3.0s • Set number of reps: 5 or 10 • Sethand to start with • Set and record Grip Position • Show statisticsfor test compared to Norm for that Gender and Age • Easily removeany trial from statistics. No need to repeat tests due to oneinaccurate reading 5 POSITION GRIP TEST – Patient squeezes thedynamometer with each or both hands sequentially at each of the 5different grip position setting of the Jamar® Smart HandDynamometer. Each trial’s reading is automatically recorded andgraphed • Set hand(s) to test and which hand to start with • Easilyaccept or redo any trial • Display results Graphically SUSTAINEDGRIP TEST - Patient squeezes the dynamometer with each or bothhands sequentially for a timed duration while each trial’s readingis automatically recorded and graphed • Set Test interval: 5s, 10s,15s, or 30s • Set and record Grip Position • Up to four trials perhand • Easily redo any trial • Display results Graphically • Hideany trial’s graph to avoid clutter • Show and graphically displayaverage • Show and graphically display average of the previous test• Show statistics for test – Peak; Average; Peak/Average; andFatigue • Easily remove any trial from statistics. No need torepeat tests due to one inaccurate reading
PT and OT Helper: Ankle 1.4.3
“Unbeknown to most historians Einsteinstarteddown the road of professional basketball before an ankleinjurydiverted him to science”..................Gary Larson, Cartoonist and AuthorThis innovative app includes 10 exercises (listed below)designedby therapists that enhances and simplifies therehabilitationexperience for both the patient and therapist. Thisapp is alsoappropriate to be used by anybody wishing to improvetargeted muscledevelopment.The app eliminates patient confusion about any aspect oftheexercise routine created specifically for their injury bytheirhealth professional. For the therapist it simplifies thecreationof the exercise routine and provides the opportunity toconfirmthat the patient is performing their rehabilitation asprescribed.Never before has this level of exercise coordinationbeen achievedthat provides a better understanding and communicationbetween thetherapist and the patient. No longer is there any reasonfor thepatient to leave the therapist’s office with just a piece ofpaperto describe the exercises to perform. This app will hastentheindividuals return to activities of daily living, their job ortothe sport they love.More than 1 million people visit emergency rooms eachyearbecause of ankle injuries. There are 23,000 ankle sprainsthatoccur in the United States every day. Ankle injuries areoftenthought of as sports injuries since half of all ankle sprainsoccurduring an athletic activity. But you don’t have to be anathlete oreven a “weekend warrior” to turn your ankle. According totheCleveland Clinic it is one of those injuries that arevirtuallyimpossible to prevent. A sprained ankle is an injury thatoccurswhen you roll, twist or turn your ankle in an awkwardway.Something as simple as walking on an uneven surface can causeapainful, debilitating sprain. The exercises in this appwerecreated under expert supervision of professionals in the field.Toavoid injury you should always work with a therapistbeforeperforming these exercises.FEATURES:* Create a Custom exercise plan for unlimited users* Purchase once and allow many users for each device. NoMonthlyFee!* The Therapist can create a Template of exercises forcommoninjuries* Custom exercise routines can be easily emailed to thepatientto be used on their mobile device* Precise animated graphics showing how to perform eachexercisecorrectly* Compete control for each exercise:.......................Number of Sets.......................Difficulty Level.......................Number of Reps.......................Speed* Patent Pending speed adjustments allows patient to work atacomfortable speed* Left and Right exercise distinction* Audio and written instructions* Graphically track performance and improvements* Email graphs to therapist to show exercise progress* Help screens and easy to follow video tutorialEXERCISES INCLUDED:1) Alphabet2) Ball Balance3) Dorsiflexion4) Eversion5) 4-Way (left-right)6) 4-Way (up-down)7) Inversion8) Knee Squat9) Plantarflexion10) Uni-Hop
Jamar Smart 2.4
The First Hand Dynamometer app